
Northern Virginia Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

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RDN Spotlight: Brittany Wheatley, RD


1. What has been your path through dietetics? How did you get to where you are today professionally? 

 I’ve known since high school I wanted to be an RD.  I love food, cooking and how what we eat impacts our life and health.  My path was long and convoluted.  I studied Nutrition and Wellness in college, however, my degree was not AND accredited so I went back to school online to receive my didactic verification statement then attended a distance internship.  It took a lot of perseverance to connect with RDs in different areas of practice to set up my own practicums and rotations.  Without my mentors, I would have never obtained my credential.  I am forever grateful.  This is one reason I volunteer on NVAND’s board and precept interns and students.

2. Tell us more about your career and what you enjoy most about your work. 

I started my RD career as a clinical RD at INOVA Fair Oaks and with people with mental health conditions and eating disorders at Dominion Hospital as well as a consultant outpatient RD.  After several years, I found my niche in renal nutrition working almost 7 years for Davita.  One of my favorite parts of my position is creating recipes.  My entire nutrition philosophy is based not on restricting the diet but being intentional about how we can get the most nutrition, flavor and enjoyment out of foods that fuel, nourish and protect our body and health.  Currently, I am serving as “Chief Domestic Engineer” for my household as I experience the privilege of caring for my 10 month baby girl full time.  It is amazing to see her excitement for the world and life.  I am having so much fun introducing foods with baby led weaning-she is such a little “foodie” like her parents and enjoys almost everything she is served.


3. What do you believe to be emerging trends in the field of nutrition and dietetics, and how can other RDNs prepare and future RDNs best prepare for these changes?

Intuitive eating and baby led weaning are two major interests and trends currently.  I have always been fascinated with the microbiome and how our gut health impacts our entire body, mind and immune system.  Cultural and traditional diets in addition to the Mediterranean diet and how the culinary and gardening aspect are a huge part of the benefit of these diets has always been a passion of mine while expanding my mind to diversity.  

4. What have you learned through your experience as an RDN, and what else would you consider valuable in sharing with NVAND members?

There are so many directions nutrition and dietetics can lead you as an RD.  It is important to remember your “why” and where your passion lies.  I believe when we let this genuinely shine through, our clients and patients really benefit more than always having the “right answer” or exact meal plan.  I really worried about that as a student and young RD but now I realize we have the most impact when we help guide our clients and patients to live their best lives with intentional, sustainable, enjoyable nutrition and movement.  

5. Please share any pieces of advice that you have for future RDN’s entering the profession on how they can make the field of nutrition and dietetics more inclusive. 

I always think when working with clients- “How can I help you find a way to prepare and include the foods you enjoy in a way that powers your body and preserves your health?” I am really passionate about helping people find the joy of cooking and including the most nutrition in their diet.  I really believe when we take some time to plan our meals with intention and use fresh ingredients, we are able to have long term benefits.  The more we get back to local foods and traditional roots the better our health and the health of our planet.


Student Spotlight: Emily Hillig


1. Where is your hometown?

I am from Haymarket VA - about 45 minutes away from Washington DC!

2. What inspired you to enter the field of nutrition and dietetics?

Originally, I was really interested in exercise science, however I realized that even though exercise is important, food is arguably more important.

3. What are some of the experiences you've had in the past that have shaped the area of dietetics you may see yourself working in, post-school program or dietetic internship?

I remember right after the Obama administration began, all the MyPlate and “Got Milk” posters were hung up. I was really interested in those and what was behind them. Because of that, I became really interested in School Nutrtion. During my internship, I have had the opportunity to work at many great places like INOVA Fairfax and Food and Friends, however I also worked with Montgomery County Public Schools and it exceeded my expectations for a school nutrition program.

4. What are you most looking forward to about your dietetic internship?

I am most looking forward to all of the networking opportunities that we have had and will have. It is really fun to get out there and meet other dietetic interns and dietitians. I really enjoy hearing about their journey, whether traditional or non-traditonal.

5. Talk about one mentor you have now/had in the past who helped you on your journey to completing your degree in nutrition and dietetics or pursuing this career pathway.

During my undergrad, I had a great mentor - Carl Barnes - who helped me create a Mentorship Program and Podcast for students. The best part is that they are free resources. Although it has nothing to do with school nutrition, it really showed me the importance of all the behind the scenes work and that even though no one knows what goes into making things happen, so many people benefit from your hard work.


When: March 2, 2024 - 8am-2pm

Where: Springfield Golf and Country Club

To Register: Click Here

NVAND Calendar




Drop Caps

L orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris tristique lobortis orci ac lacinia. Fusce eu purus eget diam vehicula auctor nec eu elit. Morbi consequat facilisis orci vel malesuada. Donec ultrices molestie sollicitudin. Morbi consequat facilisis orci vel malesuada. Donec ultrices molestie sollicitudin. Mauris tristique lobortis orci ac lacinia. Mauris tristique lobortis orci ac lacinia.

Apply a drop cap with a wrapping span class as follows: <span class="firstcharacter">L</span>orem ipsum

L orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris tristique lobortis orci ac lacinia. Fusce eu purus eget diam vehicula auctor nec eu elit. Morbi consequat facilisis orci vel malesuada. Donec ultrices molestie sollicitudin. Morbi consequat facilisis orci vel malesuada. Donec ultrices molestie sollicitudin. Mauris tristique lobortis orci ac lacinia. Mauris tristique lobortis orci ac lacinia.

Apply a drop cap with a wrapping span class as follows: <span class="firstcharacter2">L</span>orem ipsum

Porem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris tristique lobortis orci ac lacinia. Fusce eu purus eget diam vehicula auctor nec eu elit. Morbi consequat facilisis orci vel malesuada. Donec ultrices molestie sollicitudin. Morbi consequat facilisis orci vel malesuada. Donec ultrices molestie sollicitudin. Mauris tristique lobortis orci ac lacinia. Mauris tristique lobortis orci ac lacinia.

Apply a drop cap with a class on a wrapping paragraph tag as follows: <p class="drop_class">Porem ipsum</a>

Porem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris tristique lobortis orci ac lacinia. Fusce eu purus eget diam vehicula auctor nec eu elit. Morbi consequat facilisis orci vel malesuada. Donec ultrices molestie sollicitudin. Morbi consequat facilisis orci vel malesuada. Donec ultrices molestie sollicitudin. Mauris tristique lobortis orci ac lacinia. Mauris tristique lobortis orci ac lacinia.

Apply a drop cap with a class on a wrapping paragraph tag as follows: <p class="drop_class2">Porem ipsum</a>


<div class="s5_greenbox"> <div class="point"> Your text here </div> </div>

<div class="s5_redbox"> <div class="point"> Your text here </div> </div>

<div class="s5_bluebox"> <div class="point"> Your text here </div> </div>

<div class="s5_graybox"> <div class="point"> Your text here </div> </div>

This is a styled box. Use <div class="black_box">Your content goes here!</div>

This is a styled box. Use <div class="gray_box">Your content goes here!</div>

This is a styled box. Use <div class="red_box">Your content goes here!</div>

This is a styled box. Use <div class="blue_box">Your content goes here!</div>

This is a styled box. Use <div class="green_box">Your content goes here!</div>

This is a styled box. Use <div class="yellow_box">Your content goes here!</div>

This is a styled box. Use <div class="orange_box">Your content goes here!</div>


This is an image with the "boxed" class applied:

This is an image with the "boxed_black" class applied:

This is an image with the "padded" class applied:

This is an image with the "full_width" class applied. This can also be done automatically in the template configuration. Be sure to review our Vertex Guide here for other full width image options.


Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5


<a> With readon class applied:


<a> With readon_grey class applied:

<a> With readon_white class applied:

<span> With highlight_color class applied:


<span> With uppercase class applied:


<span> With light_font class applied:


<span> With heavy_font class applied:


This is a sample blockquote. Use <blockquote><p>Your content goes here!</p></blockquote> to create a blockquote.

This is a sample code div. Use <div class="code">Your content goes here!</div> to create a code div.

#s5_code { width: 30px; color: #fff; line-height: 45px; }

  1. This is an Ordered List
  2. Congue Quisque augue elit dolor nibh.
  3. Condimentum elte quis.
  4. Opsum dolor sit amet consectetuer.

  • This is an Unordered List
  • Congue Quisque augue elit dolor nibh.
  • Condimentum elte quis.
  • Opsum dolor sit amet consectetuer.

  • This is an Unordered List with class plus
  • Congue Quisque augue elit dolor nibh.
  • Condimentum elte quis.
  • Opsum dolor sit amet consectetuer.

  • This is an Unordered List with class ul_arrow
  • Congue Quisque augue elit dolor nibh.
  • Condimentum elte quis.
  • Opsum dolor sit amet consectetuer.

  • This is an Unordered List with class ul_star
  • Congue Quisque augue elit dolor nibh.
  • Condimentum elte quis.
  • Opsum dolor sit amet consectetuer.

  • This is an Unordered List with class ul_bullet
  • Congue Quisque augue elit dolor nibh.
  • Condimentum elte quis.
  • Opsum dolor sit amet consectetuer.

The following list will support lists up to number 9, add the following class to the UL wrapping the below LI elements, class="ul_numbers":

  • This is a sample styled number list <li class="li_number1">Your content goes here!</li>
  • This is a sample styled number list <li class="li_number2">Your content goes here!</li>
  • This is a sample styled number list <li class="li_number3">Your content goes here!</li>
  • This is a sample styled number list <li class="li_number4">Your content goes here!</li>

Price Table

$49/per month
Unlimited Space & Traffic
99.9% Server Uptime
24/7 Customer Care
30 Days Money Back

$99/per month
Unlimited Space & Traffic
99.9% Server Uptime
24/7 Customer Care
30 Days Money Back
FREE Domain Name

To use the price table on your site grab the following example code below and add to your site. The price table is fully responsive and can display up to 7 price columns. Once you have determined the number of columns you will be using set the wrapper div to the number of columns that you've added. You can use the wrapping classes of "s5_pricetable_1" to "s5_pricetable_7".

<div class="s5_pricetable_3">
<div class="s5_pricetable_column">
<div class="s5_pricetable_column_padding">
<div class="s5_title">Basic</div>

<span class="dollarsign">$</span><span class="price">49</span><span class="month">/per month</span>

<div class="s5_options">
Unlimited Space & Traffic<br>
99.9% Server Uptime<br>
24/7 Customer Care<br>
30 Days Money Back<br><br>

<div class="s5_horizontalrule"></div>
<div class="s5_buttoncenter"><a class="button s5_pricetable" href="#">Choose</a></div>


<div class="s5_pricetable_column recommended">
<div class="s5_pricetable_column_padding">
<div class="s5_title">Standard</div>

<span class="dollarsign">$</span><span class="price">79</span><span class="month">/per month</span>

<div class="s5_options">
Unlimited Space & Traffic<br>
99.9% Server Uptime<br>
24/7 Customer Care<br>
30 Days Money Back<br>
FREE Domain Name<br>
Personal Concierge

<div class="s5_horizontalrule"></div>
<div class="s5_buttoncenter"><a class="button s5_pricetable" href="#">Choose</a></div>


<div class="s5_pricetable_column">
<div class="s5_pricetable_column_padding">
<div class="s5_title">Premium</div>

<span class="dollarsign">$</span><span class="price">99</span><span class="month">/per month</span>

<div class="s5_options">
Unlimited Space & Traffic <br>
99.9% Server Uptime<br>
24/7 Customer Care<br>
30 Days Money Back<br>
FREE Domain Name


<div class="s5_horizontalrule"></div>
<div class="s5_buttoncenter"><a class="button s5_pricetable" href="#">Choose</a></div>


<div style="clear:both;"></div>

Responsive YouTube and Vimeo Videos

Make any Youtube, Vimeo, etc video you embed to your site work with responsive by wrapping with a DIV with a class of "s5_video_container". The below Youtube Video will shrink when the area its contained in gets too small for it:

Integer varius tempor auctor. Etiam fringilla venenatis mollis. Duis ullamcorper massa eu sapien fringilla consequat. Aliquam nec ligula mi, quis tincidunt odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum rutrum dui eros. Praesent nec nibh diam.

Proin augue risus, molestie at dictum quis, viverra non ipsum. Praesent lacus dui, euismod ut mollis vel, lacinia vel arcu. In commodo arcu vitae velit elementum a luctus nibh mattis. Ut vel turpis eros. Nam mattis velit sed nibh scelerisque in bibendum felis sodales. Vivamus ornare pellentesque pellentesque. Nullam dignissim semper quam nec mollis. In vel lacus lectus, ac tristique leo.

Aenean venenatis egestas iaculis. Nullam consectetur condimentum dolor at bibendum. Nulla in enim quis ipsum pulvinar imperdiet vitae nec velit. Donec non urna quam. Aliquam congue magna nec risus iaculis posuere. Vivamus bibendum interdum molestie. Sed libero risus, varius eu dictum ac, pharetra ac elit. Curabitur a nibh id ipsum sagittis blandit. Morbi cursus commodo leo quis rhoncus. In nec purus magna, id porta enim. Donec pulvinar aliquet vulputate. Donec sit amet justo sit amet ipsum posuere imperdiet id sed magna.


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Recipes Area

Asparagus Frittata
Try this quick and easy, no nonsense spring recipe that makes a terrific frittata in no time!

Apple & Cranberry Pork Medallions with Rosemary Maple Mustard Sauce
This is a nice lean pork dish that has all the fall flavors. Great with mashed or roasted sweet potatoes and roasted Brussels sprouts topped with a few caramelized onions and fresh sage.

Summer Squash & Corn Soup
This makes a nice summer lunch when paired with a side salad or small sandwich.

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